23 June, 2006


This day is full of Annoyances, small but real.
They are everywhere both outside and inside, physical and mental.
Inescapable, and nothing to balance with. I think I'm in for one of those small lessons of life. Cope with the myriad tiny, along with the single giant. So I drink my coffee, a ritual more than habit, and wait. I wait for the punch line.

Hail Rain All Hail Catharsia


chrysafin said...

It is familiar, you study five years IT, and your credibility to be depending on a scheduler of a system!Too many small things make the difference! It is like apeirostikos logismos!
This is our payback!

Costas Gountanas said...

The baddest thing of all is when I'm relaxing in my office sampling my coffee and then the phone goes DRINGGGG