23 June, 2016

On Consiousness

If a flow can feed a system, do information flows from senses feed the "Ego"?
Feed it with the necessary energy to remain the dominant function? Reversing, the Complex/Process that has access/control to the Senses/IO Devices is the "Ego". But is it a Shell or a Kernel? Is there a contest for this access that provides sustainance to the Processes?
Furthermore is the Inter-Complex communication part of the "Ego"? Is it lacking protocol standards? Or Ego is raising firewalls to keep flows private?

Hail Eris, All hail dementia

08 April, 2013

On the Liar Paradox

The problem with Truth is that Truth is a convention, a tag, a label, it has no real meaning it's just a state, and as we all know nothing stays the same for a long time, so should the Truth?
Another problem with truth is not only that we argue about what is true but also about what true is. I believe the quarrel started out between Plato and The Stoics.
The First considered Truth as a Static Being that exists and we only glimpse parts of it, effectively defining Truth as the Total Information in the universe, problem is that most of this information is hidden anyway and we know now that gets into hiding as the universe evolves aka entropy, so what Plato tell us is that we just can't hold the whole Truth, but it is there to go get some and discover some more, mine entropy. Ideal?
The Second considered Truth only on the observable part of the universe, the truth that could be touched, and that Truth is supported by evidence. Essentially demanding Statements to provide long causality/validation chains before accepted as Truth. Practical?
So what about "This statement is False", and even more troubling what about "This statement is True"?
Two men are standing on two daises the first is preaching "All men are Liars" and the Other says "All men are True", The question is who tells the Truth and who will you believe? Isn't Truth and Faith the same? or not?
Back to the question now,
One like  Plato would attack the paradoxial first by saying that both statements are self-referring and thus they are uninformative, they carry no information therefore cannot be valued, maybe even detached from the Universal Truth? or at least forever in the realm of entropy. But would be particularly happy with the second statement perhaps even placing it as the First truth.
A stoic on the other hand would  mistrust both statements likewise for lack of evidence and say something like "insufficient data" or "cannot compute"
Both would agree however that those statements are useless and add nothing to the understanding of truth other that some weird situations can arise.
But let us make something out of nothing. What if we follow the stoic view and add a dimension of time so that our logic variables can evolve. Let us have time be discreet and set up a tick for every computation event. A computation event occurs every time a variable is referenced. Now the paradox no longer arises as the statement now spins from true to false as it evolves in time, while the second although has a steady value still evolves.
If we stop and evaluate the statement at different times we may get an inconsistency but at least the statement will evaluate. If we don't then we will never evaluate it but avoid the inconsistency. Is this Godel's theorem? or is it Heisenberg's Principle? Is the statement actually in superposition?

Hail Eris All Hail Uncertainty

15 February, 2013

On Armageddon

Some times I let my Mystic Self free. I picture Armageddon the last battle of humanity, for humanity's soul.
All the great Artists will be there... they will take up Arms. Their guitars and basses, their flutes and harps, their drums and cymbals, For good or evil, they will fight, on the Last Battle of the Band.
All fighters have been called in, in their Prime for ages. The real question is the side they choose.

Hail Eris All Hail Symphonia 

19 June, 2012

42 =

So what does life inteligence and gravity share in common? and what does the delta of entropy got to do with time?
Imagine a space full of time processes that increase the entropy as the thermo law states, would structure be invited here? apparently not and yet it does, planets and life and inteligence and societies, how all these came to be where all there should be is dust dancing happily in the void?
Add now a class of structured-systems that accelerate the entropy production through their processes, as opposed to their environment. The law is upheld the entropy rises yet structure arises out of chaos, those systems seem to steal ticks, compress and hide time inside them, create a time/entropy potential on which they sustain themselves. Those systems will tend to link and chain to super-structures and super-systems for more efficiency until their maximum throughput is reached. 
Dust then would rather stick together to maximize their collisions per time and flip it's state more often, experience more events than on a linear and lonely predictable voyage to the edge of the space, is this then the call of gravity? Seems to fit the bill, when the matter systems link they can draw upon the infetisimal subdivisions of time to create larger and larger structures until... their integrity is threatened? a cap is reached that would also reveal an atomic tick? Those structures based on near immortality of their subsystems will tend to create spherical systems as their means to maximize their interplay within the limits of 3 dimensions. So let there be planets and celestial bodies...
Are we over? is chaos cheated then? Seems not yet, enter Life. Ask yourself which planet produces more chaos, experiences more, is more eventful, moves in the Aristotle sense faster? a barren desolate rock or a living teeming planet? The previous structure supports the next class of systems, more complicated and thus more vulnerable to internal chaos,entropy to time and death, but also an opportunity of birth. So those systems are less immortal and are constructible, still they experience more in their lifetime, they move faster. The organization strategy is not of accumulation, the super-systems  grow and the newly constructed cells organize in a way to maximize their interface with their environment, now fractal structures are employed to break the limit of 3 dimensions and approach the 4th. As for the dead cells there are 2 options that create the divide between animals and plants, keep them or discard them. In this plane time has a new name now, it's called metabolic rate. 
Same law that created life on the previous structure, creates now intelligence on the substrate of life, the immaterial now systems can break through the physical bounds of 3+ dimension and expand their interfaces and thus their entropy throuput into novel mental dimensions, Time is now more compressed and limited by the speed of thought.
Furthermore Intelligent systems unbounded by the physical contrains, link and network in an infinite possible dimensions, creating new social structures and scapes where new Organizms wade. always trying be a step ahead in the entropy production bussiness. 

Hail Eris All Hail Entropia

14 March, 2012

On Law

There seems to be a delema coming our way never seen before that was only hinted in revelation. We in the years to come will have the option of turning Law into a Force of nature.
Depending on how much (economic?) anarchy will be a problem, people will be tempted to say yes to Information systems dictating their behaviour as citizens and the context of their lives bounded by use cases.
It will be a dream come true for all technocrats, to be finally done with human non-compliance to the standarts. It will also be the a hell on earth for all religicrats, with talks of the marking of the beast and a coming Apocalypse. The fight is on, are we going to sacrifice our perceived free will to systemical order, or keep (u|dys)topical societies a dream?
I am vexed as I never thought i would agree with established priesthood, over my procession. There must be a way though... but finding it will be bloody?

Hail Eris, All Hail Discordia

10 February, 2011

On Cosmos

I was about to say "Ha maybe after all Xenon was right, there is no movement, there is no such thing as space time continuum, but a quantinuum. The fact that there is an upper barrier to the speed of light, should have been an indication." But then thoughts poured in.
Why 3d? Yes the spacetime quantinuum has X dimensions, X as your favorite theory's, but still I see 3 when I open my eyes. 
So why 3? are 2 to few to get interesting universes? would 4 result to more entropic universes where no structure could be maintained? is 3 the rule 110 of the universe? Or it's just a matter of natural selection? 
Still it nags me that 3 are the percepted dimensions of the universe, the universal grid could actually be a clique for all we know!  
But if so, are the arcs prioritized in some special way? is there a dot product like rule that selects the 3d grid subgraph?  
Or simply Information likes to zig-zag? 
Hail Eris All Hail Discordia

23 March, 2009

On Borel's Paradox

Given the fact that mathematics consider real numbers as first class citizens even thought they are as real as the pot of gold in the rainbow's end. It tends to surprise me when the mere act of taging a real with a property, automagicaly makes this number known, ours,  a property, a pot of gold.
And so we kept on giving names/tags in things we have never seen, never fully comprehend, but only known by their properties - never let a mathematician ever claim he is an atheist -
In this light let us and introduce a new number that is as real as pi but more true to it's name. And so with no further ado welcome the number


The all potent harlequin number, that in any property we can classify numbers, Ty's properties are all random.
Can this be? is it a real number? you may ask? I am afraid that the answer here is random.
Ok how big is it? randomly
Is it an integer? randomly
Is it positive? randomly

Wait you would say how can a number be randomly positive and randomly negative? I can come up with infinite contradictions that nullify the propability in Ty's existance. Ah but you see Ty is random therefore:
Ty!=Ty,  is true

Every time you reference Ty you get a new number, it is elusive by construction. Ty's value has value for only one instance and once used cannot be reused.

So have fun with it, I guess the place to start would be "What is the propability density of Ty x property?"

Hail Tychea All Hail Randomnia

09 December, 2008


When Communism is bankrupt, when Socialism is bankrupt, when Capitalism is bankrupt, when Democracy is bankrupt, when Religion is bankrupt, when Planet is bankrupt, when Law is bankrupt, when Order is bankrupt, when the Media is bankrupt, when all the Good People are bankrupt...

Then maybe they are not wrong... I am afraid that they are right.

If we don't take action to heal our society faster than we are decomposing it -and provided it's not too late and the beast unleashed- Then I am afraid that I will have to agree with them, and The zeitgeist unveiled to a fiery demon. 

Cause we are humans even when we shake and break the old world. What fallacy has led us to believe that what we built will be accepted by the ones that come? Are we smarter? wiser? fixed the game just so we keep power? or simply senile old men on a mattresses stuffed with money waiting for the torch to light our funeral pyre?

The absinth is falling it's too late for the Dinosaurs to vote.

Hail Aurora All Hail Luciferia

18 November, 2008

Vain Class

Here is a "pattern" I have employed in a couple of projects of mine, can't still decide if it's worth mentioning as a "pattern" but anyway since I found it usefull and reused it here it is:

Vain Class

Pattern Name and Classification
Vain Class a GUI pattern.

Simplify User to Objects Interface.

Let an Object hold parameters that toggle it's behaviour in an environment, these parameters need to be exposed to the user so he can have control of it's behaviour. A single dashboard/control panel need to be displayed to the user so he can oversee/manage all the objects or in an alternative if no such container exists display a stand alone floating window.

These objects can be steps/nodes in a workflow, that need to be controled/parametrized by the user. Objects embeded in a simulation environment (ie 3d world), that the user may control.


  • A Dashboard Class (optional).
  • The Vain classes that hold the parameters
  • The Gui framework's control classes
  • The Dashboard Class provides the real estate, and controls the display of each Vain Object.
  • The Vain Objects use the Gui's primitive controls on it's real estate which are responsible for displaying the current status, feeding the user input to it's parameters and optionaly notify the environment for the change. It may embed itself in a Dashboard window or create a standalone window that can float until the user discards it.
  • The Gui's primitive controls are bound directly to each Vain Object parameters, so they execute the Data eXchange directly to the parameters variables.
A classes's parameters are only accessible through the gui, shortcuts are taken so code bloat is removed (ie set() get() functions for parameters are not needed). User interaction with the internal control objects is more direct so hopefully reduntant interface layers can be discarded. Distribution of gui code, and more tight coupling to the object that is interfaced.

Each Vain Class contains an abstract virtual method  Wnd & GetWnd(Wnd &parent) that takes in the Dashboards container window and returns the Window class associated with the Vain Class. The Dashboard or the Main window then  needs to call the GetWnd and Show the result.

Hail Deisignia All Hail Pattrenia

10 November, 2008

In an Alternative Future

After getting back from vacations I power up my home InterCloud HCI. Purpose? getting some work done... I am falling behind in my blogging lately and have to catch up. I'm feeling proud for this masterbeast of technology I recently acquired, as it comes into life. The new ICC256, 256 cores using the standard 256-bit morph-processing acting either as single nodes or participating in an ad hoc stream chain, 256 ic-addressing! talk about a Cloud age eh? most of them needed to talk to the IntraCloud devices-archivers, screens,media servers,game clientsand other peripherals and a only a few for the ExtraCouds such as my company,  a couple of banks the InterCloud and an interface for the old Internet needed for my research, 256 TB in the local cache tree able to cache half the Clouds' available services for zero latenzy, and 256 GB in the first level to minimize paging faults and blitz response. 
Like I said a Masterbeast. 
It curiously took a couple of seconds today to get me to the signature screen... Aha new artwork on the background! could we moved up on a new version of the FSF SASOS? Seems like major upgrade or they wouldn't change the artwork, so long for the Dolphin. I wonder what new they put in. Local caching of the new modules schould be complete by now. I take my personal multipen and sign while the pen readies my fingerprints and oPenID for authorization to the Cloud my signature gets validated and I am in. Something I am, something I have and something I know, I mused... the three cornerstones of authentication in one move straight from the past.
When I am in I go straight to the console to query for the new system that was cached and see if I can select some optional precachings on things I will probably use - play to be more accurate - the half second delay of first use can be an annoyance but games could need a minute or more...
Anyway what kind of IT would I be if I don't mess around in the innards a bit eh?.
So for starters a new SYSQL console appears, probably incorporating the latest draft proposals that found their way to the standart last week ago- wow those FSF guys at Karlshrue are fast I wonder when Google and Microsoft will catch up. Microsoft's Singularity isn't bad but it's slow, they say it's safer but.
So let's see what else is new... more caching servers upstream, a few changes in the load balancing scheme, and a yes quite a block of addresses getting getting shored off the coastline of the address sea. Who needs all these obsolete stuff anyway, most were just old xml webservices ported to the Cloud no match for pure binary CloudEntities. Finally a set of updates and some new citizens on the hardware microkernels population, we still call them drivers traditionally but they are true CloudEntities servicing their hardware on the IntraCloud. The era of the cheap cores has led to every device getting one. And then getting each device being the physical manifestation of a CloudEntity.
It was quite a shift as I recall, objects, modules, services getting fused into CloudEntities. Each with it's special Island in the Address Sea. Not method call anymore or class Interfaces. Just CloudEntities, Ports and Protocols. It was just a natural evolution of the Net into the Cloud, prefixing good old fashioned pointers with the IPv6 addressess promoted automagicaly class Instances to Services fusing the old Internet Address space with the Adress space thus making processors cloud aware. It solved also the problem of sharing the Address Sea to world and where each company would publich their CloudEntities. Local Caching went into the private space of and such, Also by extending the DNS to resolve not only names into addresses but also Method names into Ports solved name mangling and other binary manifestation problems. Next was the protocol name morphing into a namespace of standard protocols. Programming got a network feeling. Want to draw a circle on your screen? opengl://defaultscreen.lc:drawcircle/0.0,0.0,1 where lc the localcloud in short. That was at first the way to doit... It got better though with the years...
We are now in the Second Era of InterCloud halfway until the next Great Reboot - the only restriction of the Address Sea-It needs to get flushed from time to time... But it has become the standard way of keeping count... Anyway it has been scheduled to move up in 512-bit Address Sea on the next Great Reboot in about 10-12 years and anyone still employing 256-bit cores will lose half his capacity. But it will be a while, ICC512 is expected to reach markets in 4 years plenty of time to upgrade.

Hail Utopia All Hail Cloudia

19 February, 2008

What if?

No "what if" questions to delve, the tree of life is quantum, and every branch bears it's leaves and fruits. You get to taste them all.
Hail Life All Hail Prosperia

29 September, 2007

Service Capitalism in Selfdestruction

With the establishment of industrial capitalism the machine was the capital, and it was privately owned. The machine as means of production is for quite some time now -unexpectedly?- replaced by mind!
So in Service/Information Capitalism the capital is now the information and the mind. Mind as the machine, and information the currency (and patent offices the banks), though we could well be already shifting to its financial counterpart, the "Patent" Capitalism.
But these evolutions pose a paradox, what about the individual interest the self pursuit and privacy? the other pilar of capitalistic systems. Are we in for another transformation? Back to the feudal age? keep the capital privately owned? or keep self pursuit and publish the capital? The capitalists of old had never such problems, their machines stayed where they placed them, their machines didn't join the competition, their machines didn't work for free for a third party, and generally their machines had no other agenda.
The third way could be to stage the drive for the privacy of capital and self pursuit in one man shows, ie freelancing as the only way to make bussiness in the service industry, but that would stress the current exchange infrastructure to the point of paralysis.
Either way capitalism is about to retire.

Hail Shift All Hail Noosphera

28 August, 2007

Fire is rebirth

Generation Z (Ω)

Let the discredit of natural serve us.
Let the ignorant view that nature holds no profit blind us.
Let us burn in the winds.
Let us be the last ones that hold beauty for granted.
Let us be the ones that get exiled from paradise.
Let us bear all the blame.
Let us be the last born in nature.
Let it all burn, until nothing remains.
Let us become ash.

So that the ones that follow appreciate what we discarded.
So that they aknowledge the true price.
So that they become the wind of change.
So it will be them, that will get the delight of the rebirth and rebuild.
So it will be them that will be the guardians and keepers of earth.
So they will be born wronged.
So it will be them, born yearning for nature.
So they will begin everything anew.
So they be called phoenix.

Hail Fire All Hail Destruction

22 August, 2006

22 Au gust


How can you keep a ceasefire in mid august with temperature climbing to 45-48?
Here it is 42 and I get a deathwish...

23 June, 2006


This day is full of Annoyances, small but real.
They are everywhere both outside and inside, physical and mental.
Inescapable, and nothing to balance with. I think I'm in for one of those small lessons of life. Cope with the myriad tiny, along with the single giant. So I drink my coffee, a ritual more than habit, and wait. I wait for the punch line.

Hail Rain All Hail Catharsia

30 May, 2006

on Symbols

I 've been thinking the last days on the subject of the Original Sin and the Fruit of the Tree of Knowledge and what could it symbolize...
I ended up with this possible explanation (if there is one).
The Fruit is no fruit at all... it's Meat. And the sin is not Original at all, it is common, and we keep doing it and think nothing about it, few people even consider it a sin. So we are not guilty of the sin of Adam and Eve but of its perpetuation.
It all fits nicely. By abandoning the vegetarian diet homo evolved faster and to higher levels than would be possible without meat. His intelligence raised so he knew good, but also his instincts changed to that of a predator and so he knew evil. Earth is no longer a garden but a hunting field, and homo is since a competitor and predator to the rest of the animal kingdom. In both senses an enemy.
Recently we have been preying on god also, killing Him, eating the flesh, and drinking His blood, ritualisticly each year. Are we in for the next step of evolution?
That's if you believe in symbols...

  • What did I learn Today: I'm way high on the food chain.
  • Status: Hot, Hot, Hot, Hot.
Hail Manys All Hail Multidia

23 March, 2006

on Punishment

There is the Human Punishment, which sums up in "don't do it again". It programs into individuals a relationship between misbehaviour and loss. Its purpose is educational, and seeks to instil in the members of a society an accepted behaviour, so as stability to be maintained. So it actually revolves around the needs of the society and not the atom, it satisfies sociocentric needs. As for the capital punishment, it should not be considered as a punishment at all, and societies should avoid using it. The idea behind it is the education by example, however those who would mostly benefited by such an example are likely the stock that are lacking in empathy and alienate themselves from the troubles of others, so how can they learn, or even understand the lesson? In addition the Retaliation hue of the punishment is saturated to the extreme, and that only breeds unempathetic people in the society.

And then there is the Divine Punishment. It seems that god more anxious about the individual's soul, than the workings of the society -or the welfare of each of us for that matter-, contrives punishments that are extremely educational. And what can be more educational than a fitting punishment that precedes the "crime"? It's philosophy is "don't do it in the first place". So next time you ask "God what did I do to deserve this?" think of the possibility of that it's not what you did, but more what you will do...
  • What did I learn Today: Warm beer really sucks.
  • Status: Unchanged.
Hail Eris All Hail Discordia

21 March, 2006


Fon't fead ofer feofle's flogs id if fnorderous...

Haif Fenis Off Fail Fnordifia

Don't Be Hypocrite

Money, Fame, Power, Stuff, all those things are not Evil...

It's the Reach for them that is, We live in a small planet with a Small warehouse of resources. To discriminate oneself's needs from the needs of rest and reach into this warehouse and steal for one's needs is obviously Evil.
So you may ask, shall there be no property? shall we own nothing? No food? home, clothes, no cars, live like Hermits to be Divine?

You may be Evil if you like and have all those things you need -nobody stops you there- or you may Not. But if you still want to have those things and also be Divine, then I fear there is only one way for you old chap:

You have to augment this Common warehouse, with enough resources for every single being on this planet and then bestow yourself with one of each of it, why not? you only deserve it...

As long as there are beings starving on earth, you may not eat and be Divine.
As long as there are beings deprived of their habitat on earth, you may not own a home and be Divine.
As long as there are beings without a car, you may not feel the thrill of speed and be Divine.

So do you see little monkey? Maybe you think twice before you tell things like: "I'm Not Evil, I'm just making money". Are you making a dollar for each of us?
  • What else did I learn Today: It's not that there are no answers neither that we do not understand them, it's just that we do not accept them.
  • Status:Unchanged.
Hail Gaia All Hail Amalthia

A Not So Artifictial Inteligence

This is insane; my computer is misbehaving... It goes off at the most interesting of times.
After 8 years of studying whatever there is to study on computer behaviour, I still have this irritating suspicion that computers mock us. Contrary to scientific logic my guts tell me: Computers are not governed by determinism;

I have come to believe, they are governed by an Imp! An Imp that if it senses the slightest misdemeanour from the user will actively and purposively try to escalate it to a near break down. A typical method employed is the "funny" method. It goes like that:
The user after an exhaustive exercise with the keyboard cames into realization of... "Oops I forgot to save it" and then another brain process goes... "Now if that happens again that will be funny". "that" refering to the last incident when the user forgot to save his work, and since I came to believe Imps to have a sense of humour -albeit not your sense of it- the "funny" thing happens, and it happens over and over and over again in a seemingly random fashion.
The typical user never realizes that he is like a puppet -driven to some sort of realization of some uncertainty principle- , because he never heard of determinism so as to extrapolate the existence of the Imp.
Oh yes the Imp is cautious, it never throws out errors that could betray its existence... It senses the specialist and adapts so that errors never appear paradoxial, merely random. In effect fooling everyone into believing that for every error there is a very rational explanation, and so secreting its existence.
What are the motives of the imp I cannot say... maybe it feeds of frustration? or maybe it punishes it in a twisted feedback manner.

My only advice to all you victims of computers is:
Positive thinking, you have to anticipate, expect the positive outcome in order for it to occur.
  • What did I learn Today: 42.
  • Status: The novelty of the universe decreased.
Fail Egis All Nail Distordia

16 March, 2006

16 μ-arch

This winter goes forever...
Shall I start building me an icesail and stock up resources for the humming ice age? Or the world will end by 2012 as Maya thought? So what if the earth switches poles, big deal we are not using the compass anymore... still chaos might be at play then... but it doesn't have to be all that bad. At most, a small change in the spin - so what if the day lasts longer? or a slight diversion of the axis - so what if summers are hotter? So what if mankind doesn't make it? who will be left to mourn? As it goes we will be the last to go... or not?... No I'm confident; we will outlive The Roach... ( someone will get Him sooner or later ).
Interesting times then…
We will ride the solar wind over the boiling seas, Auroras will crown the sun and moon! And after; the dreamy veil to cast the gray shadows and banish all colors to oblivion. Finally only a distant promise will remain. The sky in the eyes of the women, and the dancing sunrays in their head.
I’m curious as to what will come through the eye of the needle. I guess a regression will serve us well.

But in the mean time…

Why is it that there is no expression templated array with specialized operators optimized with simd extensions? Do I have to do everything mIself?

  • What did I learn Today: Payback is a bitch.
  • Status: The complexity of the universe increased.
Hail Eris All Hail Discordia